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Showing posts from June, 2014

My little chef

Every weekend, I'll be thinking what activity should I do with Ayya? I want her to learn. I want her to remember me as her greatest teacher. and I want to be her best-est friend! I want her to be my best-est friend and I want us to have that mother- daughter bonding. I want to be her everything. so... this one fine weekend, we were so bored, (reading, watched tv, swimming, eating, cleaning house - done) then Ayya said - mami, ayya nak cookies.. Oh yes! good idea,kiddo! tgk dapur, ada la bahan bahan nak buat cookies. timbang bahan bahan dan letak dalam bekas -- then all Ayya letak dalam mixer.. :P Boleh la.. asal jadi. My little chef! Ready! Bersepah! Kakak Ayya mix everything inside! Busy body Ayya Add M&M to make the cookies lively! Yes, the shape is irregular and cute kan.. little chef used her imagination - car, house, bird.. I should buy cookies cutter next time! Da siap! ada yang rentung.. my little chef bermain main an...

Buku Pink mengandung

Semasa mengandung wajib bagi seorang wanita untuk membuat buku mengandung di klinik swasta atau kerajaan. Penting ke? sangat penting! kesihatan diri wanita tersebut dan kesihatan janin di dalam kandungan akan dipantau secara berkala. if wanita tu tak ada masalah kesihatan, InsyaAllah semua akan smooth tp kalau ada masalah, maka doktor akan memeriksa lebih kerap. hello? bukan untuk saya atau doktor doktor lain tapi untuk ibu ibu dan anak anak. tapi, masih ada yang tak nak dengar nasihat,  ponteng datang klinik dan beribu alasan yang tak munasabah huhuhu.... sonang jo nak buat check up kat klinik kesihatan ni. especially if jumpa saya yang cantik ni, korang sure nak datang lagi.  1. Sila ingat tarikh hari pertama, period terakhir anda 2. bawak surat nikah and IC -- untuk documentation  3. Ingat Alamat --> sonang kami nak kejar if ponteng la. kami membuat lawatan rumah                 ...

My second pregnancy

I have been waiting for my UPT (urine preganancy test) positive since my husband came back from Lebanon in October. Alhamdulillah, our prayers were answered, UPT positive on new year's day 01/01/2014. one week after that I repeat my UPT again (gatal tangan) it turned out to be negative. Whaaaat? ahahah.. then started my weekly scan to see my uterus's progress started with an empty uterus to a occupied uterus. Subhanallah. Allah is The Greatest. All praise to Allah. Makes me realize that His love is beyond that I can ever imagine and how very very very small I am. early pregnancy, abah pun x tahu tu ape.. 10w baby growing growing.. The day I tot she was a boy.. guess that was the cord. heheheh.. I panicked when I saw this. the placenta has a lobule that contained ?blood ? fluid turned to be okay. It was just the cotyledon I did all the scans myself. :D Perks of working in MCH clinic (maternal child health clinic) Hope this pregnancy goes well a...

Heartburn in pregnancy at 25weeks

Today, while i was seeing patients in my clinic, suddenly i felt hot, crushing chestpain. central. heat at the centre of the chest radiating to my neck.. my throat my mouth my face ... i went blank. thinking what was happening to me? the burning is just so intense that you feel you wanted to puke, but you can't that was my first time ever i experience heartburn in pregnancy or life. burning. Now that i get to experience what my patients are complaining. before I thought the heartburn is just a normal gastritis pain so what did I do  I panicked really I even went to check for my ECG (electrocardiogram). normal. then my friend gave me syrup MMT (Magnesium trisilicate) -> nothing t. ranitidine --> finally! so i sit still, drank A LOT of plain water and ate soup and biscuits every two hour. hee. doctors are normal human too. what is heartburn again? the symptoms our tummy gets smaller as the uterus grows..  h...

Demam Denggi bukan demam biasa

So, this is the most often complains i got in the clinic.. Me: Apa khabar encik, sehat ke? Ada apa masalah boleh saya bantu? Pt: Saya demam 5 hari Me: Ada ambil suhu dirumah? ada ambil ubat demam? Pt: xda. wife saya kata saya demam panas. sy ada ambil panadol sebiji semalam. hari ini sy rasa demam lagi la... Me: Okay.. mari kita cek. suhu: 38^ kulit: merah satu badan. Me: demam tinggi ni encik. kena ambil darah untuk cek ada denggi ke tidak sebab sudah lebih 3 hari Pt: saya tidak mahu.. Me: pujuk dan explain :( FEVER Definition: Abnomal high body temperature. suhu badan yang berlebihan. (Normal: 37celcius) Dewasa: 37.5 celcius: low grade fever >38celcius:  high fever Kanak kanak: >37.0 celcius Demam Denggi  Penyakit virus (flavivirus) yang dibawa oleh nyamuk aedes aegypti / aedes albopictus yang boleh membawa kepada maut jika tidak diubati atau dipantau. Penyakit denggi di kalangan penduduk Malaysia makin meningkat. ...

Nappy rash

Yesterday during routine medical check ups at Klinik Kesihatan A 1 month old baby came mother complaining of testicular mass. so i did my routine examination examine the groin area - left testicular hernia and nappy rash until the bird-bird area!! sgt merah okay.. i think if the baby can talk, sure he complains so i asked the mother: me: ada ruam lampin ni. mak kasi ubat ape ye? mom: sy tak kasi ape ape doktor, sy rabun. masa mandikan dia sy x pakai spek. sy x perasan pun me: mak rabun dekat ke? warna kulit da berubah dari warna asal ni. semua merah. mom: .... me:... menasihati emak supaya memakai spek setiap masa memandikan bayinya... so, about the testicular mass maybe we cant do anything in clinic except to advise mothers the signs and symptoms of urgency and refer to surgical dept for operation. but nappy rash, i think every mom will check head-to-toe over and over again, making sure baby clean and comfortable and cute :D so.. what is nappy rash? Nappy ras...