On Saturday, we woke up early... tak dapat melingkau dalam selimut. Bgn pagi, make breakfast - roti canai- cap kawan. (I always have this kawan roti canai as frozen stock sbb sedap and crunchy. The girls love them so much) Gave Kiki our regular stray cat her breakfast (She looks like shes pregnant again! Her previous kittens da kena curi kot. N nowmpregnant again 😵 have to get her on family planning after this) Then we went to the girls school for ayya SPICE report - i think its student progress report kot. So, I sat in front of aunty Shida, Ayya's school teacher feeling very anxious. Sebab? Sebab this is her last year in kindergarten. Next year she will be standard one. 😱 I can't that! I started this blog when i was in confinement after delivering her. Dengan tujuan untuk mengupdate everything about me as a mother. But.... So back to her SPICE report, this year Alhamdulillah. Good progress. Teacher said all the good things. Reading ✅ ...
A mix of everything in my life