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Showing posts from July, 2017

SPICE report

On Saturday, we woke up early... tak dapat melingkau dalam selimut. Bgn pagi, make breakfast - roti canai- cap kawan. (I always have this kawan roti canai as frozen stock sbb sedap and crunchy. The girls love them so much) Gave Kiki our regular stray cat her breakfast  (She looks like shes pregnant again! Her previous kittens da kena curi kot. N nowmpregnant again 😵 have to get her on family planning after this)  Then we went to the girls school for ayya SPICE report - i think its student progress report kot.  So, I sat in front of aunty Shida, Ayya's school teacher feeling very anxious. Sebab?  Sebab this is her last year in kindergarten. Next year she will be standard one. 😱 I can't that! I started this blog when i was in confinement after delivering her. Dengan tujuan untuk mengupdate everything about me as a mother. But.... So back to her SPICE report, this year Alhamdulillah. Good progress. Teacher said all the good things. Reading ✅ ...

goodbye Selangor!

Salam and hi! Its 2017. I hopt this year Im gonna be a littlt bit active with blogging lah~~ Salam lebaran 1430H  Its our first Ramadhan in Kota Bharu.  How did the Asrars ended up in KB?  Pijoy moved to KB in December 2016 to continue his study in EM Med.  that time I so devastated.. like whyyyy so jauh. Why it has to be kb. Why 500km awayyyy When he was in Melaka pun jauh nau..ini kan pula that 8hours journey.  So, I actually did sent tranfer letter in June 2016. When he first got the offer.. Lama juga la I waited for the tranfer. I siap tulis surat rayuan. Becos you know, Im dramatic liddat 😅 I waited for so longggg~ But ada hikmahnya.  In February, me, ayya and Aisya dapat pindah to kb. Fuh. The cry of happiness. 😭 Dan bermulalah kehidupan kami sekeluarga disini.  Amin.. After all these years... 6years PJJ. 😏 Finally.. 😋😆 manisnya datang tepat pada masanya.  Saying good bye to PKD K...