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Showing posts from February, 2011

50th day as mummy

Yes today is my 50th day. Ive learned a lot from my baby girl.  I learn new thing everyday. Every day, she will make a new progress. Every day is a joy for me to watch her grow. The sleepless nights are our bonding time. seeing her sleep.. naughty smile those angelic face. Tell me how am i going to drag my feet to work in next 10 days? Wuaaaa... now I regret being a doctor, as to be a doctor in Malaysia we have to be house officer. and house officer mean abundance of work and work and work..

Wonderful Life.

T his is the first time Im blogging. after influenced by my sister's blog. of course their blogs are about love, and boys... its not my time anymore.. :D Staying at home, away from work for about 2 months, make me realise that I need to 'upgrade' my life in this wonderful, wonderful life.. Im blessed and surrounded by wonders. Alhamdullilah, SubhanaAlah, Allahu Akbar.. Im a loving wife :) Im a perfect mother Im a wonderful daughter Im a great sister and I'm a doctor by profession. see.... what a wonderful world i live in. full of colors